Valerie Savarie

altered book sculpture


"Wondering in the Watery West"

altered book, acryla gouache, thread




"Nine Lives"

altered book, acryla gouache, watercolor, vintage frame







altered book, acryla gouache, watercolor, vintage frame




"Sisters of the Sea"

altered book, watercolor, acryla gouache, acrylic ink, thread




"Curiouser & Curiouser"

altered book, watercolor, acryla gouache, acrylic ink, thread, watch





altered book, acryla gouache, watercolor, vintage broach






"Heart of Gold"

altered book, acryla gouache, acrylic, watercolor, vintage locket




altered book, acryla gouache, watercolor, ruler



"Oolong in the Ocean"

altered book, acryla gouache, thread




"Dia de los Muertos Gata"

altered book, acryla gouache, acrylic, vintage frame




"Nest Egg-Corn Acheived!"

altered book, acryla gouache, watercolor, acrylic, thread





altered book, acryla gouache, glass vial & beads





altered book, acryla gouache, watercolor, acrylic, vintage frame







altered book, acryla gouache, watercolor, glass vial, string



Valerie Savarie uses vintage books as the centerpiece of her creations, reinventing them into unique pieces through cutting, carving, stitching and character illustrations that are part of a larger visual storytelling. Valerie’s multi-dimensional book collages leave the majority of the book intact - every page is kept as bound to retain the intrinsic book characteristics. Her innovative artworks form an inseparable bond between words and visual arts.


"Spirit-World Incarnated"

altered book, acryla gouche, acrylic, thread




"The Lightness of Spring"

altered book, acryla gouche, acrylic, thread




"Beyond the Fog"

altered book, acryla gouche, acrylic, thread





altered book, acryla gouache, acrylic, ruler, wire, button





altered book, acryla gouache, thread





altered book, acryla gouache, acrylic, ruler, vintage charm




"The Fruit of Seven"

altered book, acryla gouche, acrylic, thread




"Chouve Souris"

altered book, acryla gouache, acrylic, ruler, key



"To Protect Without Judgement"

altered book, acrylic, thread




"With a Single Tear"

altered book, thread, acryla gouache, vintage yard stick




"Black Kitty"

altered book, acryla gouache, acrylic, ruler



"Pining for Vous"

altered book, acryla gouache, watercolor, acrylic, thread





"Nature's Nanny"

altered book, acryla gouache, watercolor, acrylic, thread



"Zeus 11"

altered book, acryla gouache, acrylic, ruler, key



"Lost Between Two Worlds"

altered book, acryla gouache, thread






"Tea Genie"

acrylic, and string on book





altered book, acryla gouache, acrylic, ruler




altered book, stick, thread, feathers



"Serenade to the Birds and the Bees"

altered book, acryla gouache, watercolor, acrylic, thread



"Orchid Wrangler of Palmer Ranch"

altered book, acrylic and string on book



"Wings and Branch"

altered book acrylic and string on book



"Horned Owl"

altered book, acryla gouache, acrylic, ruler




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