Deborah DeWit

"The Hours of the Day"

2015 Exhibition


"The Colors of Morning"

oil on wood panel

26 x 30"




"The Day Begins"

oil on wood panel

12 x 15"




"Time Stands Still in Winter Light"

oil on wood panel

24 x 28"





oil on wood panel

32 x 36"




"Asleep, Awake, Day and Night"

oil on wood panel

18 x 28" (diptych)




"The Nap"


15 x 30" (26 x 40" framed)




"New Cat, New Day"

oil on wood panel

24 x 24"



"Hunters and Gatherer"

oil on wood panel

15 x 40"





oil on wood panel

28 x 36"




"Dawn" (SOLD)

oil on wood panel, 16 x 20"


"Day" (SOLD)

oil on wood panel, 16 x 20"


"Dusk" (SOLD)

oil on wood panel, 16 x 20"


"Night" (SOLD)

oil on wood panel, 16 x 20"


These paintings tell stories about place and time, a moment here, a moment there, which together describe some of my experience of living on the Oregon Coast. It is a life of contrast: one of intense domestication rooted in the elements of nature.  Lights of every kind, in counterpoise-- the sun, the moon, burning lamps, the sky, reflections, shadows, dim, bright, inside and outside-- seem to tell me where I am and what it is time to do.

Deborah DeWit ~ May 2015



View Past Exhibition




Recent Etchings


"Printmaking with Julia"

copperplate etching


"Foot Print"

copperplate etching



copperplate etching



"Burnished Moon"

copperplate etching





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